IU Indianapolis DataWorks

Welcome to IU Indianapolis DataWorks, a repository for preserving and sharing IU Indianapolis digital research data. It is a place to make research data available for other researchers to find and use. IU Indianapolis DataWorks is also a tool enabling researchers to meet funding agency requirements for data preservation and sharing.

For our repository of publications, including journal articles, presentations, and other scholarly products, visit http://scholarworks.indianapolis.iu.edu. For our cultural heritage materials, visit http://library.indianapolis.iu.edu/digitalscholarship.

Questions about submitting data? Download the Deposit Checklist [PDF] , take a look at the readme template , and read the Deposit License [PDF] .

Communities in DataWorks

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  • This catalog describes protected data created by IUPUI scholars. These data are available for reuse with approval and a Data Use Agreement.
  • Data generated by IUPUI faculty, staff, and students.

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